Action Learning Set: Evaluation

Free to all members of Community Campus

A ‘Community Campus’ Event

A series of six action learning sets focussing on




Some of the questions often asked about evaluation include:

v     What is it?

v     What can it offer me and my organisation?

v     How does it differ from audit or performance management?

v     What are the risks of uncovering what we don’t know (as opposed to confirming what we think we know)?

v     What are the risks of not uncovering what we don’t know?

v     Is evaluation a good use of resources?

v     Who should do it and can it be done alone?

v     Where do I start?

Are you keen to develop your knowledge and skills of evaluation?


Come and work with others in similar situations to develop your knowledge

Through a series of 6 action learning sets, facilitated by experienced action learners, using a combination of collaborative action learning and expert input, we will explore:

v     evaluation processes

v     the relationship between evaluation and change

v     ethical challenges

v     its relationship to users and their role

v     learning cycles

Participants will be from Voluntary/Third sector organisations and from NorthumbriaUniversity.  By the end of the six sessions they will have had the chance to explore this complex subject in some depth and will have

·     understood the key components

·     recognised the relationship between evaluation and organisational change

·     explored the particular challenges for them and how these might be addressed within their organisation.

This is more than a series of training days.  It will be a dynamic and collaborative process.  It offers participants the opportunity to understand the basic frameworks of evaluation and to have the opportunity to use them to explore their own issues through structured discussion and facilitated problem-solving.  This will be a practical process with participants developing work in their own organisations throughout the set.

On offer is a series of 6 sessions starting with a full day on

Thursday 25th January 2007

Venue: MEA House, Newcastle upon Tyne

This will be followed by five facilitated half days, the times of which will be set by participants to ensure best fit. 

If you would like more information about these action learning sets please contact:

Tina Cook: 0191 215 6269 direct or 0191 215 6209 admin. 

or by email

Tina Cook

Tony Jameson

Helen Frankenberg

To book your place


Please complete the application form at the end of the information page below.

Free to all members of Community Campus

A ‘Community Campus’ Event

Free to all members of Community Campus

Application form

Action learning set: the value of evaluation 

Please book one place on the action learning set (The Value of Evaluation) for me.  I understand that the full set will include one whole day and five half days spread out over the next six months and that I am committing to the whole programme, not just the first day.  The set depends on continuous involvement by members and without this commitment the set will not work for yourself or other participants.




Address: __________________________________________________

Tel no: _____________ E mail address__________________________

Please ensure that before you come on this set, you have discussed how the learning from this set will be supported and embedded in the work of your organisation

Please return this form to:  Christine Hutton: H013

School of Health, Community and Education Studies

Coach Lane Campus East


Newcastle upon Tyne


Closing date:

Free to all members of Community Campus

A ‘Community Campus’ Event